Monday, January 14, 2008

Watch out, here comes the Attire Police!

Here we go again. A local Hindu organization has filed a case against actress Shriya for wearing an outfit that offended Hindu culture.

She may not worn an outfit that befits the event, but let me assure you that there is nothing objectionable to the outfit. For the record, I am not offended.

It is high time that we stop spending valuable tax payer's money and super precious court time in handling cases like these. I guess the courts have millions of important pending cases to rule before figuring it takes cases like this. Indian judiciary system must do something about victim less crimes and handling frivolous cases like these.

Some of these people must find something to do with their lives.

Guys, you can check out more of Shriya here.

This headline caught my attention.


N said...

I doubt the idiots who file these cases know what 'Hindu culture' is.

Anonymous said...

People need to learn to respect first amendment.

Frankly, I will be surprised (or even shocked) if some one was really offended by the costume she was wearing (or not).