Nostalgic thoughts rush to me once i decide to write about my father who were to complete 100 years on 15th of Aug 2008.Unfortunately, we do not know where his abode is, after his demise on 24th of Dec 1982.
Immediate picture about him, is of his gentle nature, soft spoken attitude, among other things. As a teacher in St. Andrews High School, Arakkonam, he was a popular teacher in science and English. He was fond of grammar classes as he made a point to enter such classes ahead of time. Wren & Martin was his guide book and he was aware of all pages, exercises by memory. I adored his style of writing English, as well his handwriting. Even in post cards he used to paragraph the contents neatly. I feel bad in not keeping at least a few letters written to me as a treasure. He was also a good public speaker in school functions. Nobody missed his subtle humor in his speeches. He was also lover of sports & games. Used to tell me that he played cricket, hockey, tennis etc. in Madras Christian College. He kept off his family worries in the tennis court, behind town hall- even at times giving company in smoking. As a young boy, I used to pester him to play a few balls with me before the nets are drawn for the day.
I believe that i carried forward some of his traits, including his handwriting. That was handy for him to allow me to correct test papers, tabulations etc. With big family of 6 children-with girls in majority, ever visiting guests running the family was an herculean effort. Monthly budgets were pre-emptied before the beginning of month.
Of course, my father’s strength was my mother. She was a bold, outspoken lady with negotiating skills to get loans from friends & relatives to ward off crises. She developed the instinct of -survival of the fittest. Nevertheless, the family was a good knit -everybody cooperating others-the daughters obediently bowing their heads in marriage to the matches decided by parents. On the whole, all had virtues for quality life.
Looking back of my school days to the present day, I witness a sea-change not only in life but also in development and progress in all spheres. The family too had grown in leaps & bounds .My father’s siblings are holding good position and status. May be, we miss, or likely to miss something which my parents enjoyed. He lived his full life-duely, surrounded by his children, grand children in the evening of his life. The credit should go to him for the quality of life he lived & the virtues he cherished for. God has his inscrutable way of balancing things according to ones merits.
I cherish my relationship with him & he was close to my heart. One touching moment still reminds me about his care for feelings for others .In Valavanur where we lived for sometime, he used to visit Villupuram to get his pension-hardly Rs.150. In one instance, his pension money was pick pocketed. He didn’t want to disclose this lapse to others. He privately requested me to replace this amount & to reveal to none. He never exerted authority on others as a family head. Unfortunately I had to reveal this incident to my wife and others at the time of his death after many years in order to highlight his qualities.
He suffered for long on spondulities, bowels movement, etc in later years. Only on rare occasions had he revealed of his excruciating pain, and talked more about euthanasia -mercy killing. His patience was remarkable.
Before it is getting too long, I wish to recollect the saying-that it is good to be important but more than that it is important to be good.
Let his soul be in peace, wherever he is.
A small satisfaction for us. An insert has been made in The Hindu in the remembrance column in token of our love & gratitude on his centenary. It is of coincidence that, the present house which he fixed for me some 32 tears before is developing into a dwelling complex for his dear grand children.
N.SHANTHARAM. (Son of S. Natesan)
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